Thursday, August 9, 2007


I had a childhood dream of owning a BMW. I was always fascinated by the machine. It was the motivating factor of my life for a long time. Finally, after a lot many years of hard work, I could afford to buy my lovely BMW. I was in a state of ecstasy for a long time enjoying the dream come true. But someone’s jealousy took its toll. My BMW vanished from the parking. I had no idea who took it and how. I lost my sleep completely. The very thought of someone else driving my BMW was making me go crazy. I could not imagine anyone else’s hands on the steering. It was making me terribly jealous. I know if any of you have ever been obsessed by a car, you will understand. I stopped eating, and could not get any sleep. I cried a lot in the darkened room.

Police was not able to find the car, as I think the thief never took it off. They said he must have parked it in some garage and they have no way of finding it till such time, he does not take it out. I was completely lost and depressed. When all hopes were lost, I contacted Peer Syed Saheb. I had heard of miracles of Peer syed sahib many times before. I told him all about the car and my fascination with it. He understood. He told me that the car is still in New York and is safely hidden in a garage. Peer Syed Saheb assured me that I will get my BMW back in less than a week. Now I was waiting to see Peer Syed Saheb’s magic. I was pleasantly surprised to see the car on the 4th day back in my parking. It seems, the person who had taken it was someone known to me. I don’t know why he had taken it away, and why he dropped it back. I don’t want to think about anything else now. I have my BMW back. I have now installed the security alarm etc because only I know the pain I experienced when it was gone. I have seen the miracle of Peer Syed sahib. I think he is a magician. I am extremely thankful to peer sahib. I will always be grateful to him.

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erachnid said...
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